Propel Your Piano Play To New Peaks

Welcome to, the best place online to learn how to play the piano with a focus on understanding.

On this website you can learn about chords and scales, do ear training, and find the names of the chords that you don’t know.

With us, you’ll also learn the coolest chord progressions and really learn to understand the music theory behind it all!

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On this website, we’re going to help you play the piano. We’ve 12 years of experience of playing the piano ourselves, and we like to show you the shortcuts that we’ve discovered to skyrocket your piano play. No matter if you’re a beginner or an intermediate player, there’ll be something here for you that will help you on your path of becoming a better piano player.

When it comes to learning how to play the piano, I like to say that it’s not about the destination, but about the path. Only compare yourself to yourself. That’s the best way to stay motivated. And learning how to play the piano should be exactly as enjoyable as knowing how to play the piano.

On this website, you’ll find a lot of music theory. We’ll also have a heavy focus on piano improvisation. We’re going to show you first how to play all the different scales, and importantly how to construct and deduce scales yourself. In addition to this, we’ll have an extensive database of all the chords that you can play on the piano. You’ll see how to play them in diagrams, and you’ll be able to listen to the different chords, so that you learn to distinguish them.

Additionally, we’ll explain how to read notes. We’ll also teach you a thing or two about rythms, and left handed patterns which you can use to accompany your right hand melodies.

All in all, will be your one stop shop for learning how to play the piano. If we can transfer some of our enthusiasm over to you, then our mission is accomplished!

See you soon, thank you!