Explore Chords With Root:

Chords give colour to a melody. They underly every piece of music and are essential to understand and master both to remember and improvise pieces.

Chords are constructed from scales, and are themselves used in progression, which give structure to the musical piece.

Learn or refresh your command of chords. Explore a chord that needs refreshing today.

Let’s paint your musical world.

Chords in the Root of:

C Chords

C (C major chord)

C# Chords

C# (C sharp major chord)

Db Chords

Db (D flat major chord)

D Chords

D (D major chord)

D# Chords

D# (D sharp major chord)

Eb Chords

Eb (E flat major chord)

E Chords

E (E major chord)

F Chords

F (F major chord)

F# Chords

F# (F sharp major chord)

Gb Chords

Gb (G flat major chord)

G Chords

G (G major chord)

G# Chords

G# (G sharp major chord)

Ab Chords

Ab (A flat major chord)

A Chords

A major chord piano

A# Chords

Bb Chords

Bb (B flat major chord)

B Chords

B major (B major chord)

Chords of Type:

Diminished Chords

Cdim (C diminished chord)

Chord Quizz!

Unsure which chords to work on next?

Or do you think you’ve mastered all the chords already and want to put it to the test?

Do the chord quizz to see where you stand! We’ll suggest new chords to learn based on your results!